KS2 Activities for Closure Day:
In light of our school closing for the day, due to no water, here are some activities that you can try at home. This is also a good opportunity to complete some Spelling Shed, Rock Stars or Nessy as well as reading a good book! Please note that the activities below are optional and don’t all need to be completed.
Activity 1:
Write a short story containing no more than 500 words. This could be any genre you like! Remember to include as much exciting and interesting vocabulary and grammar as possible! An example is attached from the BBC’s 500 word competition. This link will also take you to some support for this:
Activity 2:
Complete your cake design for this term’s inter-house competition! Final designs can be handed in when we are back in school. Maybe you could even do some baking… though your parents would have to help you with this (and you will have to do the cleaning and washing up!)
Activity 3:
Think about some of the work you have been doing in maths recently. Can you write some word/real-life problems that fit with that topic? An example could be (if you had been looking at multiplication) “If Mrs Salmons drinks 15 cans of Coke Zero per day, how many cans does she drink in a week?”
Activity 4:
Create some Autumnal art, paint/draw/collage a picture of your garden or another landscape.