Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Year Five Week Two

After the excitement of Theme Week, this one was a little more predictable.

The highlight has definitely been the playscripts, several of which might have made it home this afternoon.

We studied two short plays out of our Read, Write, Inc. textbook which, although useful for illustrating the basics were, to be honest, dull as dishwater.  When offered the chance to create their own, your children rose to the challenge superbly, writing quite long scenes in the appropriate playscript style.  Most of them were very well laid out too, and when hiring actors to perform them, they highlighted the appropriate passages for each person to read.  In short, just like a proper theatre production.  There are some still to be performed next week, but for now a highlight was the story of Sir Clopton Brown and Mr Wet Hat, complete with five pages of dialogue and seven characters.   Where on earth did those names emerge from?  Absolutely great stuff though!

Maths this week has seen us consolidating decimals for one group, and finishing off position and direction for the other.  We are at the stage where we can gauge with confidence how each child is performing, and try to identify any last-minute gaps or weaknesses.  There are bits of revision and consolidation sessions going on where possible.

In preparation for the Summer Fair, we were asked to prepare a large-scale Hall display focusing on a particular Olympic games.  Year Five chose Barcelona 92, and there were some great contributions, featuring the USA ‘Dream Team’ basketball, Linford Christie winning the 100m, the 13-year-old diver who won gold, and the iconic moment when Derek Redmond’s dad helped his injured son over the line to complete his 400m.  I hope you get a chance to see the displays (and the Theme Week posters) at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June.  Year Five will have a stall focusing on the theme of ‘darts’ – not yet an Olympic sport, but perhaps a future one if Luke Littler has anything to do with it.  And no, Mr Andrews and I are not volunteering to have sponges or gunk thrown at us…!

We got rather wet this afternoon anyway, attempting PE, so we mixed it with some PSHE and Olympics discussions.  Earlier in the week was fine for rounders.  Computing restarted this week, with some excellent programming on show – making simple computer games in Scratch.

Next week we are going to work on a fully assessed piece of writing, which again will help us finalise each child’s achievements in writing and SPaG.  It will be based on two pictures, and the creative task will be to write something that links the two pictures together.

Best wishes for a great weekend and we will see you on Monday morning.  Maybe it will stop raining and warm up.

Y5 Team


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