Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Year 5 – End of Term 5

We’ve made it through to the end of our fifth term together.

Time really does fly when we are all enjoying ourselves.

Especially this week.  Please see below for an example of the Mayan masks.  They have turned out really well.  We were going to display them here, but they are tricky to hang on the wall safely, so we decided to send them home.  The classrooms remained impressively paint-free during this two-stage process.  The first stage was to paint a ‘base layer’, followed (after assembly and playtime) by all the decorative stuff.

Literacy had a bit of a SPaG focus this week.  In many cases SPaG just has to be learned (by rote) – this is the English language, so although there are rules, there are also many exceptions to the rules.  We did a review test so that we can see what we need to focus on next term.  It was, shall we say, eye-opening.  Next term we will also be working on playscripts in literacy.

In PE this week there was some rounders on Monday, and more athletics practice this afternoon – this week focusing on using the long jump mats, the bounce mats and the howlers in a series of relays.  We also did a bit of work on howler technique, which applies equally well to throwing a javelin or a cricket ball.  Side on, and weight going forward not back.

Maths has mostly been about position and direction – especially moving shapes around co-ordinate grids.  Translation and reflection are the main Year Five topics here.  Rotation is more Y6.

The children have also been working on their inter-house challenge this week.  This is a termly challenge where children join with others in the same house to earn their house team points.  The challenge this term was to produce a bit of maths-related artwork, formed from geometric shapes into a design.  There are some very good ones which you should see on display around the place next term.

We hope you have a good few days off.  As always Mr Andrews and I have thoroughly enjoyed another term of productive back and forth with your children.  They make every day at work worthwhile (and I speak as someone who has had jobs where that was definitely not the case!).

Best wishes from all of us.

Y5 Team


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