Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Another Toby in Year Five!

When we asked the children for their happy news this week, the overwhelming favourite moment was when our latest Toby paid us a visit.

We were honoured that Miss Brakspear made us her first port of call.  Toby is a beautiful little boy and although he slept through everyone coming to say hello, it was a wonderful experience for the children to see him.  He seemed very small (well, babies are little!) but he is a very healthy weight and doing well.  He was only eight days old!  Congratulations once again to Niki, Scott and Toby.

We also had school photos this week.  This time they are of the ‘pose in groups’ variety, which have come out pretty well and represent a change from the usual mass photo.  They will be available to buy shortly.

Literacy saw the children finish off their animal information texts (which we are now busy marking) and move on to writing persuasive texts.  This started on Wednesday and Thursday with the children building arguments (and then arguing) about specific topics.  It turns out they are really good at this (although I guess you knew that!).  Topics debated included school uniform, competitive sports in schools, vegetarianism, women in government and the pros and cons of Twinkl (one of our curriculum providers).  Next week we will get them to focus on one topic, prepare a more formal debate (rather than a free-for-all barney!) and debate the pros and cons properly.  They will finish by writing this up formally.

Maths this week has majored on angles.  Measuring them, drawing them, and working out the values when they are missing.  Lots of subtracting numbers from 180 and 360, and some quite complex detective work to find out a stray missing angle in a heap of triangles and rectangles.  Important stuff though – especially if you are designing or building something where such things are vital to get right – a couple of degrees out and it’ll fall over!

Hopefully you will have checked out our Maths Made Clear project, which SCPS has set up to help parents with their maths skills. Research is quite clear that those children who discuss maths at home will perform better at school, and we want to help! As part of this, we have made a series of nine films that explain how we teach certain concepts (such as addition, subtraction and fractions), and give ideas on how you could talk about maths at home. Click here to have a look. Dr Loader manages the project and Mr Burrows and Miss Snowden star in the films, and so, as well as using them yourself, we would really appreciate it if you could spread the word!

This week the Mayans taught us about their system of writing.  They used a form of hieroglyphics consisting of logograms (representing things or ideas) and syllabic glyphs (representing syllables or sounds).  The children were asked to reproduce some of the logograms and to design their own, with very pleasing results.

It was simply too wet to go on the field for the planned athletics practice this afternoon, but we ran some relays on the playground.  Baton-changing needs some work before Sports Day.

PSHE this week focused on peer pressure, particularly in relation to drugs and alcohol awareness.  The children were very sensible about this, and seemed to have a good understanding of what was legal, and what was sensible (or not).  We also cleared up some misunderstandings, and reassured them that any peer pressures they might face at any time are always surmountable with their own good sense and good character.  We discussed being strong and standing up for what is right.

We’ve had another varied, productive week.

A couple of reminders.

Firstly the other half of Dr Loader’s class will be going to Forest Camp on Monday 13th May (as previously advertised).  We will send out a separate note with the arrangements for Mr Andrews’s class.

Secondly, please don’t come in on Monday – it is a Bank Holiday.  Although we’d love to see you of course, we won’t be here.  You’d be surprised, but someone often turns up, especially on (closed school) INSET days!

Have a great weekend.

From everyone in Year Five.



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