Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week 1 in Year Five

Year Five have enjoyed starting their Victorians topic this week.  A major focus is the reading of Street Child, by Berlie Doherty, which tells the story of Jim and his family.  We have a range of literacy activities which build on specific chapters – which this week included writing from the point of view of one of the characters, as well as performing some drama to reflect the plot of Chapter 2.  There is lots more to come, as well as specific topic lessons on aspects of Victorian life.

Maths has focused on multiplication and division, but has strayed into topics such as square and cube numbers (so important for anything to do with measuring area and volume), prime numbers (vital in cryptography and computer security), and factors and multiples.  In outdoor maths sessions (for Outdoor Learning Day), the children enjoyed creating prime factor trees on the chalkboards by the table tennis tables.  Catch them while you can.

In PSHE there was an activity today on ‘building a friend.’  What is the meaning of friendship, what characteristics would you like your friend to have, and how could they support you?

PE was football this afternoon.  The issue is often that children want to forge ahead with things they already know, but I think we managed to adapt the games properly this afternoon so that everyone was taking a full part, at the appropriate level.

We are all looking forward to next week – which includes our trip to Milestones Museum in Basingstoke on Friday 10th November.

Have a great weekend and stay safe if you are out and about marking Bonfire Night.

Y5 Team


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