Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Year Five – Term 1

Firstly, can we wish you a happy and peaceful half-term.

We are certainly ready for it, but we are also gearing up for a strong Term 2 and the run-up to Christmas.

In truth, the arrival of Ofsted in Week 2 was a highly stressful time for all of us, but we feel in Year Five we managed to keep things calm and even, and several of your children really stepped up when they were asked to interact with the inspector.  A few names in particular were mentioned for their confidence and politeness, which we hope is reflected in the entire school.

Of course we are all delighted with the result, and in discussion with the children this morning, it is clear that they understand what it means for us all, and how it points to an exciting future.

We have had such a great term, and your children have been a delight to teach.  They are a group who work well with each other, and who we have seen mature already – they are starting to see themselves as representatives of the top part of the school, and their behaviour and actions reflect that.  Thank you for your part in making the start of Year Five smooth and productive.

In Term 2 we will start the Victorians topic, supported by the trip to Milestones on 10th November, and by our new class reader – Street Child.  Several literacy activities will be based around the book.

Maths will continue with extending and applying the basic operations, focusing on multiplication and division.

Please note that there is no compulsory homework over half-term.  Your child should have returned with some optional work on Victorians.

Thanks once again, and best wishes.

The Y5 team


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