Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week 5 in Year Five

Week 5 has seen your children become mini-poets!

They have worked on different styles this week, with the acrostic poems being a particular highlight – on the theme of Hallowe’en.  They were pleased not to have to worry about grammar and punctuation – poetry does give you that freedom.

Maths has moved on from place value to addition and subtraction.  Although this is revision in some ways, our scheme encourages children to think of different ways of solving problems.  This week has included comparing large numbers, estimation and word problems (some of which were tough).  Find two numbers with a sum of 6484 and a difference of 1200.

Our topic work has continued with a study of indigenous Australian artefacts, and Computing has moved on to decorating 3D art galleries with suitable artwork.

Lots of progress this week, and such a lovely group of young people – who did not get fazed by the Woodlands-related changes last week.  Well done to all of them.

Take a rest tomorrow (we are doing First Aid), and we will see you on Monday.

Y5 Team


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