Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Year Five – Week 3 Update

We have had a calm and productive week in Year Five, which staff and students all seem to have enjoyed.

Literacy has involved some careful planning, and then the final write-up, of Australian dreamtime stories. Each story features a real or imagined creature playing its part in the early development of the earth. They are based on genuine myths handed down over centuries by native Australian people.

Maths has seen more work on place value and number lines, and the application of the concept to practical matters such as weighing scales, speedometers and rev counters.

Our topic work this week involved researching cultural influences on Australian people in the form of the sports, entertainment, food and clothing they might enjoy. Each child built up a profile of their own Australian person based on what they had found out.

Hockey continued this afternoon and PSHE focused on recycling and the environment. At 3.00pm both classes gathered for a short but heartfelt goodbye to their friend Abbey as she starts a new adventure in Greece.

Your child will bring some flyers home early next week, to help us encourage more people to attend our Open Days. We would be very grateful if you could pass them around your local neighbourhood and spread the word. Your children will benefit too – there will be prizes for the classes whose flyers gather the most attendees. Thanks for your help with this.

Dr Loader is helping Year Six at Woodlands next week, so Mr Foley will be taking the class for the week. The children are excited to welcome him to Year Five.

Have a great week.

Y5 Team


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