Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

End of Week 1 – Year Five

We have thoroughly enjoyed our first week.  Despite the heat, your children have remained good-humoured and focused throughout.

(And so have we!)

Literacy has built to a Big Write this morning – largely for us to get a clear impression of their writing skills and levels.  They were asked to combine a holiday they might have had with their vision for a dream holiday – and write it up.  There was plenty of imagination on show, and some good use of adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions as requested.

Maths started with some work on Roman Numerals and place value – up to ten thousands and hundred thousands.

We also started our topic work on Australia, discussed beliefs in Sikhism, and started to understand the British justice system.  PE will be hockey for the next few weeks.

100% attendance every day too – thanks for that.  See you at 5.00pm on Monday.  The link has been sent out.

Kind regards and have a great weekend.

Y5 Team


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