Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Y5/6 Mixed Basketball Friendly v Peppard

It has been incredible to see the love and enjoyment of basketball grow here at Sonning Common over the last 4 years. Friday 10th May 2024 was the first basketball game to be played against another school, and the support was amazing!

Peppard were our opponents, and despite the game only being a friendly, the team worked hard and fought throughout each quarter as if they were participating in an official league match.

We began the first quarter slowly, and found ourselves behind until Evie broke our scoring drought in the dying minutes.

Things began to look up in the second game when, in true captain spirit, Ethan led his team to the highest winning margin of the evening. We continued our winning momentum into the third game – an evenly fought battle which almost ended in a low scoring draw until Serenna scored the winning basket with only a few minutes left in the match. After some hard but fair competition, we had reached the final quarter.

By now, Peppard had grown in confidence, making the last game a great spectacle. This was to end in a draw, which could have easily been a defeat for us if it wasn’t for our excellent team effort and spirit.

After 4 games our accumulated points total made us the winners with a final score of 64 – 42. The even better news is that the children, including those from Peppard, want to come back and do it all again!

Congratulations to your basketball team: Evie Q, William A, Bruno D, Ethan D, Georgie Q, Scarlett A-C, Theo T, Serenna B, Max L, Ella W, Riley A and Zac N.


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