Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Y3/4 Rounders Tournament on Peppard Green

Year 3 and 4 Rounders Tournament

On Thursday Miss Green and Coach Joe took eighteen children from Years 3 and 4 to compete in a rounders tournament on Peppard Green. The children were split into two teams (‘A’ and ‘B’) and the tournament began.

With the sun blazing, both teams got off to a winning start, each beating their first two opponents.  As the tournament progressed, our communication, positioning and fielding developed and so did our confidence, which saw both sides head into the final match with optimism.

The final game would see our ‘A’ Team face our ‘B’ Team, with the ‘B’ Team knowing that a victory would earn them the trophy. A close game followed, concluding with another win for the ‘B’ Team, which meant that our ‘A’ Team would finish in 4th place and the ‘B’ Team would bring the winners’ trophy back to SCPS!

All in all, each child performed very well, and ensured that another successful year of sport at SCPS finished on a high. They each showed grit, determination and team spirit whilst modelling our school values superbly throughout their matches.

We would also like to thank the parents who transported and supported the children on the day.

Those who played were: Ben N, Noah B, Xander O’B-W, Lili F, Issy C, Saule B, Ella Y, Charlie C, Oliver J, Adomas B, Isla P, Jimmy B, Harvey B, Rafa F, Dino D, Albie W, Gracie B and Nia B.


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