Welcome Back!
It is lovely to have everyone back, lots of stories of half term and Halloween fun have been bouncing around the classrooms. Coming up this term we will be studying Mountains in Geography, States of Matter in Science, continuing with our programming skills in Computing and lots more.
Times Tables Check
Before the end of last term we conducted a quick times tables check as the children in this year complete a statutory test in May. There was lots of brilliant work but everyone needs to really ramp up their practice as much as possible. All the children understand how times tables work so now the focus is on learning them by heart and the best way is practice, practice, practice! Obviously TTRS is a great tool for this but what really helps is lots of different times and places; walking or driving to school can be a great opportunity to test them.
Wednesday Sports Lessons
With the weather really settling in it is absolutely vital that the children come in on Wednesdays with a spare pair of shoes in a plastic bag. They are on the field which can be wet and muddy and so need a fresh pair of shoes to change into. This can just be their normal school shoes, whilst they wear their trainers.
Forest School
For the next three weeks there will be groups of Year 4’s heading to Forest School for the Monday afternoons. You will be emailed ahead of your child’s week. Children must come into school in Forest School appropriate clothing on their day. Their legs and arms must be completely covered and they should definitely be dressed for the weather (waterproofs are very encouraged). A change of clothes and shoes should also come into school.