Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Newsletters / What’s On

What’s On

    • Wine Tasting Friday 7th March
    • On Your Bike Sunday 8th June


We would like to thank everyone who came to the recent Annual General Meeting of the SCPS Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

All parents are automatically members of the PTA and Sonning Common has always prided itself on being a partnership between staff, parents, governors and children.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Our PTA run a Second Hand Uniform Shop,  open every Friday at school pick up time. Donations of unwanted uniform can be left in the yellow wheelie bin behind the shop. All items for sale are 50p and all the money goes back to support your school.

SCPS PTA Just Giving Page

If you would like to find out more about the PTA, our fundraising goals and how we support our school, you are invited to drop in on our informal 30 minutes Zoom meetings.  Please contact the PTA to find out more by emailing


Sonning Common Primary School PTA have a lottery, tickets cost just £1 each, for each weekly draw; 40% of ticket sales are donated to our school. Since we started it nearly 2 years ago, it has raised over £3900 for our school. You can buy as many tickets as you wish (and choose your lucky numbers) and it’s all paid online via a direct debit. The school is aiming to raise £1,000 in the first year in order to buy classroom equipment for all of your children to benefit from.
There is a GUARANTEED cash prize to someone from our school supporter list every week, and a further chance of winning £25,000 in a separate nationwide draw every week! We have had lots of winners so far!
To start supporting, please visit Lottery and search for Sonning Common Primary School. Tell your friends and family to join in too.

Money from old clothes
We collect your unwanted clothing at your convenience. Just drop your bagged old clothes or shoes into our green collection bin situated in the Sonning Common Library carpark. SCPS receive 40p per kilo from the materials collected. They take clothes, shoes, accessories, bed linen and soft toys (but not duvets or cushions or curtains).

How to contact us

If you’d like to get involved with the PTA, or have some good ideas for fundraising, please email or speak to any of the committee members.

At the AGM we welcomed our new chair, Emily Doubek and thanked Helen Simic who stood down, but will still be on the committee. Our new secretary is Tiff Belcher and Charlotte Hunt remains treasurer.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 11th March. If you would like to join the committee, please email or talk to Emily.  All parents/carers of children at SCPS are members of the SCPS PTA and we exist to not only to fundraise for the school but to create a social opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together. Your PTA makes sure all the money raised is spent as effectively as possible across the whole school.

The next event will be the disco on Thursday 13th February, followed by our wine tasting evening on 7th March.

We have been very busy this year with many events including the 10k race, Christmas Fair, discos, and planning a quiz and On Your Bike. We have used PTA funds to buy many things for the school including a Chinese workshop, cooking ingredients for year groups and Forest Camp and equipment used at break times on the playgrounds.

The major expense this year (2024-25) has been the traversing wall built in the KS2 playground during May 2024. The PTA also funded 10 visualisers for classroom as part of the £200 allocation for each class.

Last academic year (2023-24) the PTA funded

  • £200 for each teacher to spend on their class
  • various workshops for the children
  • Software subscription for extra curricula activities (for teachers)

Previously your PTA funded

      • interactive flat panels for a KS1 and a KS2 classroom
      • New bird hide
      • New interactive flat panels for classrooms
      • Picnic tables, table tennis tables and Kites playground resurfacing
      • Workshops for the children including Lego master builders, Chinese New Year, Shakespeare, skipping and many more
      • Bee-Bots for KS1
      • Espresso subscription for the whole school
      • support for our funded schoolgirl in Africa