Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Local music providers

There are a few local opportunities (outside of school) for children to explore music further, although sadly many groups have closed due to lack of funding for music.

There are many local music tutors and a good way to find them if you don’t have a personal recommendation is using the

 For children learning an instrument

There are 3 local providers who have opportunities for children to play instruments in groups and further their musical experience:

Oxfordshire County Music Service

Their local county music school is in Cowley (Oxford) on a Saturday morning for children to learn to play music with others in a fun, engaging, and social atmosphere. Suitable for players of any instrument after their first term of learning: Oxford Music Centre

Henley Music School

Music School Sunday takes place once a month at Badgemore Primary School, Henley-on-Thames.  These sessions are now only be for young children between the ages of 5-8 who don’t already learn an instrument, or are beginners.

Berkshire Maestros

They provide instrument lessons after school and on Saturdays as well as a large range of group music making opportunities throughout the week, their closest music centre is in Caversham.  You can play in string groups, brass groups, woodwind groups, percussion groups and they have several choirs and cater for all levels from Mini-Maestros (KS1 children) through to senior groups.

Berkshire Maestros Fees

For children interested in singing activities:

There are choirs based in local churches – All Saints Peppard and St John’s Kidmore End.

There are also a number of children’s singing groups based locally.

Henley choral society has a 2 youth groups one for primary and one for secondary aged children –

There are also local performing arts groups who including singing, acting and dancing in their activities.

Local branches of the national company Stagecoach –

As well as a Henley based group, Henley Children’s Theatre –

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