Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

March Music Makers

On Sunday 3rd March 2024, a recorder group went to Rupert House to represent Sonning Common Primary School as part of the Henley Youth Festival. The event, “Music Makers”, helps to encourage budding musicians from across the area to come together to celebrate music. The children got some practise time before then sharing their performances on stage in front of each other, parents and carers. The feedback our children received was very complimentary and included comments such as, “You are obviously all very keen players and worked together with professionalism”. What a brilliant reflection of our children! It was a fantastic opportunity for all those involved and a particular thank you must also go to Mr Marples who has taught the children.

Sonning Common Recorders played Pokare Kare, Dear Lisa, Harrison’s Rag and Cat Fanfare.

children play recorders


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