Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Term 5 Week 3

Dear Parents / Carers, This week we have had a little look at Technology through time by: observing changes; exploring their uses; getting some hands-on experience of different objects; caption writing for their favourite TV characters and  labelling parts of a computer. The children have been using objects to add and make number sentences this […]

Term 5 week 2

Dear parents, We have had a very exciting and busy week continuing to explore the medieval ages. We celebrated St Georges Day on Tuesday and we read a story and acted it out in the KS1 assembly, we wrote menus for the banquet we had ideas from crackers and cheese for starters, chicken and potatoes […]

Term 5 Week 1

Dear parents, We hope you all had a lovely Easter break! We have had an exciting first week back exploring the Medieval Ages, Kings and Queens. The children have been comparing King Charles II and King Charles III and thinking about the differences between them and life now and in the 1600s. We have been […]

Term 4 Week 6

Dear parents, We have had a really exciting last week completing exciting Easter activities, such as basket weaving, making Easter baskets out of junk modelling, using different materials to make bunny ears, looking at the life cycles of different animals, Easter egg collages and doing some lovely Spring writing. In Maths, we have been exploring […]

Term 4 week 5

Dear Parents, It has been an exciting week of challenge in Kites, so we hope they are not too tired. The children have been learning about perseverance and challenging themselves through different activities. They have been creating their own versions of an Easter card (independently) and writing Spring poetry after spotting signs of Spring at […]

Term 4 Week 4

Dear Parents, We have had a very exciting and successful STEM week with the theme of time! On Monday, Johnson Matthey came in and gave us a workshop on ‘spinning through space’ and in assembly Johnson Matthey showed us the effects of an iodine clock reaction! We completed an apple oxidation experiment, where we sliced […]

Term 4 week 3

Dear parents, We have loved becoming storytellers this week and dressing up for World Book Day as adjectives! Here is a list of the adjectives that Kites dressed up as: Brave, hurt, hungry, scary, sparkly, fantastic, lazy, brave, stunning, speedy, jumpy, stunning, expressive, royal, cosy, camouflaged, brave, sparkly, bony, colourful, snowy, magical, tired, fierce, normal, […]

Term 4 week 2

Dear Parents, What an exciting week we have had! The children have been looking at how we keep healthy this week. We have had the Dentist surgery set up in our role play area and the children have been checking out each other’s healthy smiles. We were also visited by the lovely dental nurses: Amy […]

Term 4 Week 1

Dear Parents, Welcome back after your half term! This week, we have been looking at our locality and the superheroes within it. The children have been identifying and creating emergency vehicles from junk modelling as well as making hats of those superheroes who wear a uniform. They have been exploring non-fiction books to gain more […]

Term 3 Week 5

Kung hei fat choi 2024 Kites Parents! This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year and Buddhism. We have been making lucky cats, Chinese lanterns, bookmarks with Chinese symbols, writing our numbers in Chinese as well as the practising the art of using chopsticks. The highlight of our week was our Chinese Dragon […]