Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Starting back term 2 with a bang!

Dear Parents, It is a joy to see your children back from their half term feeling refreshed and ready to learn. We have had an explosive week doing a range of firework art using different mediums, making conker fireworks with conkers, creating firework safety posters, singing firework songs – it’s been spectacular! The weather may […]

Term 1 Week 7

Dear Parents, We have had a lovely week exploring Autumn some more. We have been on a walk every day as part of our fundraising for The Big Wild Walk for The Wildlife Trust! Each day we focused on one of our senses. We have harvested apples from our apple tree, dissected them, thought about […]

Term 1 Week 6

Dear parents, This week we have started looking at Autumn, we have read the story of Leaf Man and been out collecting leaves, acorns, conkers and sticks to create our very own giant leaf people, the children have also enjoyed making their own leaf pictures including animals like hedgehogs and butterflies! We have been thinking […]

Term 1 week 5

Dear parents, This week we have been exploring space and focusing on our fine and gross motor skills! We have made our own solar systems, tested out rockets with milk cartons, dressing up as astronauts, creating our own split pin astronauts, making their own names into rocket artwork and looking inside a space station and […]

Term 1 Week 4

Dear parents, This week we have been looking at being superheroes, what makes us super and focusing on Supertato! We have been describing Supertato, saving fruits and vegetables from elastic bands, squashing peas with tweezers, crafting evil peas, creating masks, breaking free frozen vegetables and practising our superhero tactics when carefully climbing through a giant […]

Term 1 week 3

Dear Parents, We have been looking at roles and responsibilities this week and how we look after our environment: both in school and outside. In phonics, they have now been introduced to m, a, s, t, d, n and p and many are starting to recognise these sounds around them. In maths, we are continuing […]

Term 1 Week 2

Dear parents/ carers, Another exciting week in Kites! The children have been working really hard this week at getting into a routine of coming in to school, starting phonics and showing off what they know. We have been singing songs, learning about our numbers and what they are worth as well as reading lots of […]

Term 1 Week 1!

Dear Parents/ Carers, What a week we have had! The children should all be very proud of themselves for showing bravery, resilience and perseverance this week… and so should YOU; Thank you for all your support in making our first week in Kites so positive. The children are starting to get to know each other […]

E-mail updates from the SCPS Kites website

Kites parents are encouraged to subscribe to our SCPS website mailing service, which sends you an e-mail once a day if the Kites web page is updated by the Kites teachers. The Kites web pages typically give you information specific to Kites, for example what’s going on in class this week, photos from trips, reminders […]