Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Term 3 Week 4

Dear Parents, We have been exploring feelings this week! We have been learning different strategies to help us regulate our emotions, such as the Butterfly Hug,  The Body Scan and Energy Ball. We have been sorting emotions into positive; negative and mixed emotions groups; drawing where our calm space is at home and at school; […]

Term 3 Week 3

Dear Parents, After our Science Oxford workshop last week, we have been focusing on Materials all around us this week! We have had a great week testing out different materials and exploring their properties. We tested the absorbency of nappies, by weighing them before and after adding water and discussing the changes we saw as […]

Term 3 Week 2

Dear Parents, We have had a really fun week expressing ourselves through art and music! The children have been making colour sums, they have done this by painting one hand blue, for example and another yellow and then mixing the colours on their hands together to show what colour it makes! They had a great […]

Term 3 Week 1

Dear Parents, Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely break. This week we have been looking at Reading and Rhyme. We have been exploring lots of lovely rhyming books, our favourite this week being ‘Oi Frog’ We have been matching rhyming pairs, by splatting the picture which rhymes with the word said, e.g. […]

Term 2 Week 8 Thank you

Dear parents, Thank you so much for all your lovely gifts and cards, we really did not expect anything but very much appreciate your kindness and generosity. We hope you all have a lovely Christmas break, we hope you have time to relax and enjoy spending time with friends and family. If your child does […]

Term 2 Week 6

Dear Parents, We have started out countdown to Christmas! We have been learning all about Advent and what it means and designing our own Advent calenders. We have been reading The Story of the Kindness Elves. After reading the story, we discussed different ways we can show kindness during the Christmas period. We also had […]

Term 2 Week 5

Dear parents, We have had a very successful week exploring safety at school, on the roads, online, at home and in our community. The children have really engaged well and enjoyed learning about how to keep safe, sorting different images into safe and unsafe categories. We have been learning how to cross the road safely, […]

Term 2 Week 4

Dear parents, We have had a very exciting week learning all about Arctic and Antarctic animals! The children have all been so engaged and interested in the activities, they have loved becoming different Polar animals and so they created masks for their role play, we explored which animals came from the Arctic (North Pole) and […]

Term 2 week 3

Dear Parents, The children have been exploring Light and Dark this week after multiple questions over the last few weeks about ‘Why is it so dark now?’ Where are the leaves? Why do I get up in the dark and go to sleep in the dark?’  We have looked at how the Earth rotates (how […]

Term 2 Week 2

Dear Parents, The children have really enjoyed learning all about Diwali this week, creating beautiful Rangoli patterns with chalk outside and using different colours of playdough, beans, lentils and pasta to make them inside. They have also designed their own mehndi patterns and then an adult has helped to draw the mehndi pattern they designed […]