Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Term 6 Week 7

Dear Parents, We have had a lovely week thinking about our favourite memories of Kites. We have been looking at photos and videos from this year, enjoying reminiscing about the great times we have had. We then wrote about our favourite memories and all the children did a great job at writing independently! Some of […]

Term 6 week 6

Dear Parents, We have continued with our environment topic this week. We have been learning about our ocean from Sir David Attenborough and what we need to do to keep the living things within it safe from harm. This has inspired poster making and pictures being drawn of how we can look after our surroundings. […]

Term 6 Week 5

Dear Parents, This week we have been learning all about the environment and minibeasts! We have worked together to go on a hunt around the school for materials to use to make our giant bug hotel. We used a crate as the base and filled it with plant pots, cardboard rolls and other recycled materials […]

Term 6 week 4

Dear Parents, What a week?! The children are exhausted after an amazing Sports Day and another week of Dinosaurs. They have been continuing with this topic as there was such a keen attitude to learn more facts and do more activities following last week. Our focus has been on describing dinosaur’s features based on the […]

Term 6 week 3

Dear Parents, This week has been a ROARING success; we have travelled back to the Mesozoic Era (the Age of Dinosaurs). Yes, this week we have been learning all about Dinosaurs, as we signed up for the Big Author Week by Reading Rocks, focusing around the story, What Would you Say To a Dinosaur? Each […]

Term 6 Week 2

Dear parents, First of all, we apologise the website post did not go out last week. It had been scheduled but there was a technical issue. We have had a fun filled week, the children have been busy creating maps of the school and following the different routes. They have hidden treasure around the classroom […]

Term 6 Week 1 Theme Week

Dear parents, We have had an exciting first week back after half term. This week the whole school have been doing ‘Theme Week’ where all the children explore a focus within a theme. The theme this year is ‘Jobs’. In Kites we focused on people we would call in an emergency! Some jobs that we […]

Term 5 Week 6

Dear parents, This week we have been learning about looking after living things in our environment. We have been making bees, learning about how to look after bees and ensure we provide a great environment for them to survive. We have been working on Kites Garden this week and appreciate the lovely local gardener who […]

Term 5 week 5

Dear Parents, This week we have been focusing on what we might find on a farm- be it machinery, plants or animals. The children are getting excited about our trip and we are starting to talk about expectations about what we will see, what activities we will do and the behaviour we show when we […]

Term 5 Week 4

Dear parents, This week we have been practising our independence and resilience! The children have been independently writing stories of our focus story, The Three Little pigs. They have been acting it out, dressing up, writing story maps and retelling the story with different characters, such as the three little mermaids and alternative plots and […]