Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 6 week 4

Dear Parents,

What a week?! The children are exhausted after an amazing Sports Day and another week of Dinosaurs. They have been continuing with this topic as there was such a keen attitude to learn more facts and do more activities following last week. Our focus has been on describing dinosaur’s features based on the book Tyrannosaurus Drip and looking at the periods of history when dinosaurs were alive. The children now seem to understand that dinosaurs did not eat humans as we didn’t exist then. We have had the water play out to keep cool and have been digging for bones in the sand pit. The children have also been making medals for themselves after sports day and some wonderful trophies and other models from junk.

In maths, we have continued with pattern of number, looking at doubles, odd and even and counting in 2s. If you would like to look at this further there are some tips here and a game to revise concepts here .

Moving on to… Sports Day. We can not put into words how incredibly proud we are of the whole year group for participating in their races and doing their very best in our sports day. We were all prepped and ready for it to be eventful, but even with the hot, uncomfortable weather, the children tried SO hard! Not only that, they were patient between their races and most importantly they HAD FUN!  We all smiled so much that our faces hurt and the children were all very keen to write about it in their special independent writing task this week. As one child wrote, “I loved the running race because I persevered” – which could be said about them all. The main thing they all showed, even when they were anxious or exhausted was perseverance. Well done KITES!

As a lovely end to the week, we released the butterflies that had emerged from their chrysalises, next to our allotment, so they could go and enjoy the lovely flowers. We had 10 butterflies in total! The children have really enjoyed completing their caterpillar diaries over the last few weeks, watching them grow into large caterpillars, into their pupa and emerge as butterflies. The children did their final entries today and they drew some lovely detailed pictures and wrote great sentences describing what happened and the butterflies.

Next week we will looking at our environment; focusing on reduce-reuse-recycle and minibeasts. The vocabulary we will be looking at is: Anthropod, Camouflage, Carnivore, Entomology, Exoskeleton, Herbivore, Larvae, Metamorphosis

Challenge: Can you help your child  to make a bug house out of junk modelling materials to share for Show and Tell?


Summer Fair: Saturday 29th June

Book Fair: 3rd -5th July

INET Day: 12th July

End of term: Wednesday 24th July at 1:15pm


Have a lovely weekend and see you next week.

The Kites Team



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