Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 6 week 3

Dear Parents,

This week has been a ROARING success; we have travelled back to the Mesozoic Era (the Age of Dinosaurs). Yes, this week we have been learning all about Dinosaurs, as we signed up for the Big Author Week by Reading Rocks, focusing around the story, What Would you Say To a Dinosaur?

Each day we watched live videos meeting the author and illustrator, learning dinosaur dances and how to draw a dinosaur. We went on dinosaur hunts around the Kites garden, cracked open frozen dinosaur eggs, made dino pancakes, created dinosaur top trumps and became archaeologists digging for fossils! We also made erupting volcanoes and explored how our land is different now to when dinosaurs were alive.

In Maths, we have been revising key number skills and some children have been using these skills in problem solving.

Some children also helped on Wednesday and Thursday to welcome the new Kites. They were so friendly and well-behaved, as well as talking to our new parents about how much fun they have in Kites. What a super bunch.

Next week we are continuing our dinosaur theme, we will be completing dinosaur obstacles and avoiding the lava! Exploring volcanoes and dinosaur small world. Exploring dinosaurs qualities and why they looked the way they did, sorting herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. In relation to Mr Hirst’s upcycling competition, we will be having a go at upcycling using our junk modelling and exploring why we are upcyling and how it helps the environment and thinking about sustainability.

Challenge: Mr Hirst has set the children an upcycling competition across the school. The idea is to make something that is functional or decorative from rubbish that you would ordinarily throw away. The eco-council members will be judging the entries and there will be a winner in each year group. This challenge may take some time and so there is no rush to come and show us in Kites. The closing date for entries is the 5th July 2024.

If you complete the challenge, we would love to see what you have created but please also send a photo of your entry to It would be great if you could also state which house you are in.


Next week it is going to very hot! Please make sure you send your child in with a named sunhat and water bottle.

Sun cream: If you could apply a layer of sun cream before school that would be great and we will not need to reapply. If not, please do send in a named sun cream bottle and we will help your child apply their sun cream.

Sports Day is Tuesday 25th at 1:30pm.

Non Uniform Day is the 28th June.

Summer Fair is the 29th June.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Kites Team.


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