Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 6 Week 2

Dear parents,

First of all, we apologise the website post did not go out last week. It had been scheduled but there was a technical issue.

We have had a fun filled week, the children have been busy creating maps of the school and following the different routes. They have hidden treasure around the classroom and garden and created a treasure map for their friends and teachers to find the treasure. They programmed the BeeBots to travel around the classroom and had a great time blindfolding Miss Inchley and using positional language to guide her from the art area to the home corner without bumping in to anything! They then had a go at doing this in partners and had to give directions, for example, take 2 steps forward and do a quarter turn right. The children did a great job at this! The children have enjoyed using the computers independently and in groups to explore Google Maps and explain to their friends and teachers the journey they take to get to school from home. We have been using atlases and globes to explore different areas and comparing our local area and London. Looking at the differences and similarities.

In Maths, we have also been exploring maps, using positional and directional language to map out Little Red Riding Hood’s journey to avoid The Big Bad Wolf. We have also been focusing on reviewing number bonds to 10, doubles and odd and even.

On Friday, we had a very exciting letter delivered from Mario! He had been pushed off his course by Bowser and crash landed and lost all the pieces to his vehicle! Mario also left us riddles to help find the different pieces. We found the objects, but they were only pictures of them, so now we need to find the real parts of the vehicle, so keep an eye out over the weekend and the start of next week for the missing pieces. The children worked really hard in their teams to solve the riddles.

We had our whole school photos this week and the children all did an amazing job at waiting for everyone to be ready and smiling for the photo!

Next week, we will be learning all about Dinosaurs, as we have signed up for the Big Author Week by Reading Rocks, focusing around the story, What Would you Say To a Dinosaur? There will be live videos meeting the author and illustrator, learning dinosaur dances an dhow to draw a dinosaur. We will be cracking open frozen dinosaur eggs, becoming archaeologists digging for fossils, making erupting volcanoes and exploring how our land is different now to when dinosaurs were alive.

Challenge: Can you draw a picture of what you think the vehicle that Mario crashed, looks like? Or have a go at drawing a WANTED poster for Bowser!


Sports Day is Tuesday 25th.

Non Uniform Day is the 28th June.

Summer Fair is the 29th June.

The week commencing the 24th June, Mr Hirst has set an upcycling challenge for all the children in school. We will also be having a go at this challenge in Kites, so we would be grateful for any junk modelling you have. All entries will be awarded Team Points and the winners will be awarded prizes.

Have a lovely weekend.


The Kites Team.


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