Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 5 Week 6

Dear parents,

This week we have been learning about looking after living things in our environment. We have been making bees, learning about how to look after bees and ensure we provide a great environment for them to survive. We have been working on Kites Garden this week and appreciate the lovely local gardener who volunteered to help us tidy it as well as the parents who donated some plants to spruce it up. We were successful in our walking challenge this week; to raise awareness of ‘Sport in Mind’. We walked the perimeter of the school field and paddock daily and the children loved spotting the exciting creatures and looking at the plants that have started growing. This led to perfumes being created in the mud kitchen with elderflower and daisies, as well as little bug hotels being made with junk modelling.

In maths we have been exploring capacity, length and height. We have explored vocabulary associated with these areas e.g. full, half full, empty and longest, shortest, bigger , smaller, longer and shorter. We have been comparing and measuring with rulers, cubes and using jugs, spoons and cups. If you would like to follow this up at home, perhaps you could measure the height of everyone in the house and do some cooking. There are some more ideas here.

We have had some lovely visitors this week- The High Wycombe Bee Association who came and gave us an informative talk on bees and how they make honey. We got to look at pictures, try on outfits and look at a bee colony inside a special observation hive. We also were lucky to be visited by a tractor on Friday. Mr Champion visited us with his John Deere and it was HUGE! The children loved climbing on it and pretending they were farmers, by getting into the cab and looking at all the buttons and levers.

After half term, we will be having our Theme Week on the topic of jobs that entail ‘who to call in an emergency’. If you are keen to help and come in to school for a quick Q & A session that week, we would love to hear form you and the job that you do.

The children loved their trip to Bucklebury Farm and we are very proud of their behaviour and how they represented their school so well.

We hope you all have a restful weekend and half term after a rather exciting week.

The Kites Team.



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