Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 5 Week 4

Dear parents,

This week we have been practising our independence and resilience! The children have been independently writing stories of our focus story, The Three Little pigs. They have been acting it out, dressing up, writing story maps and retelling the story with different characters, such as the three little mermaids and alternative plots and endings. The children did a brilliant job at this and tried their best to be resilient when they faced new challenges in their writing and learning new sounds.

We have also been enjoying being outside in Kites garden, building obstacle courses, making ‘food’ in the mud kitchen, even having ‘lovely floral tea in the country’, using water to explore capacity and how we can make it travel fast and slow at different heights.

In Maths, we have explored part part whole models to help us add and look at how a whole can be broken down into smaller parts. We read the story, The Mission to Addition .

As part of our Maths Made Initiative, here is a video to support you as a parent with helping your child with addition!

In PE we used the bikes and trikes to practice developing our balance, movement and riding skills. We collaborated to move large items such as planks and crates to create our petrol stations and houses to park and drive our bikes and trikes to.

In cooking, we independently made pizzas! We thought about what we wanted to put our pizzas and then designed it. We then made our mini  pizzas and cooked them in the oven and had them on the carpet before home time, they were delicious!!

In the build up to our exciting trip to Bucklebury Farm, we will be looking at farm animals over the next two weeks. We will be setting up a farm shop in our role play, weighing ingredients, selling and buying items using money, writing fact files about farm animals, discussing where food comes from and how we can grow it. We will use our communication skills to describe an animal for our friends to guess and making maps of Bucklebury farm!

Challenge: Do you have a favourite farm animal and why? Can you write your reason down on your wow sheet?


Sun cream: On sunny days, please ensure you apply sun cream to your child before coming to school. If you have applied sun cream before school you do not need to bring in any sun cream in your child’s bookbag unless you would like it to be reapplied during the day.

Hats and water bottles: please make sure you send your child in with a named sunhat and water bottle.

Green words: In the children’s bookbags you will find some green words and handwriting sheets- these are high frequency words that Reception children are expected to know by the end of the year and ones that we practise in class. Please could you assist your child in reading these words so that they know them by sight (rather than segmenting them) to give them that extra step up before year 1.

To all our green-fingered parents- if you have been busy propagating and have any spare plants that you can not squeeze in… please spare a thought for our Kites garden which we are trying to brighten up with lovely things ready for the Summer. We welcome flowers, ceramic pots/ planters and any edible plant!

Thank you for your continued support.

The Kites Team


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