Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 5 Week 3

Dear Parents / Carers,

This week we have had a little look at Technology through time by: observing changes; exploring their uses; getting some hands-on experience of different objects; caption writing for their favourite TV characters and  labelling parts of a computer. The children have been using objects to add and make number sentences this week. If you would like to do some activities to revise this at home-  try making some number sentences using coins (if you know your child is a super adder!), or add some raisins or grapes together using the add sign (with some left over breadsticks for + and = !).

In phonics children are busy revising their learning their set 2 sounds, practising writing dictated sentences and some have now moved on to set 3. If you would like to revise these with your child please click on the following link:

Here are some great games for helping your child with reading or writing, if they have some screen time this week.  Allowing your child regular use of paper and pens to write lists, secret letters,  invitations, menus for dinner are great ways to practise independent writing.

In the children’s bookbags you will find some green words and handwriting sheets- these are high frequency words that Reception children are expected to know by the end of the year and ones that we practise in class. Please could you assist your child in reading these words so that they know them by sight (rather than segmenting them) to give them that extra step up before year 1.


To further prepare your child for their transition to y1, next week we will practising our INDEPENDENCE and RESILIENCE. Please help us by allowing your child to walk in on their own each day, from the gate, in preparation for year 1. We will also be letting children lead the learning and find resources themselves to achieve their ideas.

We would like the children to share something they have done independently or exemplify how they have shown resilience over the weekend. This could be as simple as overcoming a difficult situation with a sibling, or getting back on their bike when they have fallen off.


  • Monday 6th is a bank holiday! Lets hope the weather is glorious. Enjoy spending some quality time outside 🙂
  • Sun cream and sun hats after half term please.
  • Please also ensure your child has some trainers with them now that we are doing PE outside and a suitable kit for the sunny weather (cycling shorts/ PE shorts/ White tshirt/ cap)
  • To all our green-fingered parents- if you have been busy propagating and have any spare plants that you can not squeeze in… please spare a thought for our Kites garden which we are trying to brighten up with lovely things ready for the Summer. We welcome flowers, ceramic pots/ planters and any edible plant!

Thank you for your continued support,

Kites Team


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