Dear Parents,
We have had a lovely week of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). The topic area was ‘Change and Adapt’ and the children got to pick their subject matter . They came up with some great topics including the lifecycle of a pigeon (we also made some nests); finding out why a firefly’s bottom lights up (including some firefly artwork); How we change as we grow up (looking at baby pictures & drawing portraits) as well as how animals are adapted to their surroundings- particularly focusing on turtles and tortoises. Johnson Matthey were the highlight of the week; they created a range of activities, experiments and investigations for the children to be part of including making colour-changing water, fizzy drinks and an explosive volcano experiment. The children practised their Maypole dancing in PE on Thursday, whilst the remaining children used the bread they had made the day before and the cress they had grown the previous week, to make egg and cress sandwiches.
In phonics, we have been revising our sounds and reviewing set 2 sounds (vowels)- ay/ ee/ igh/ ow/ oo. We will continue this next week.
Blending 4 sounds- Fred’s cupboard
red words– words that you can’t segment.
Bit trickier for those who LOVE a challenge: word challenge– reading (set 2)
We have also been busy writing about our trip to the Earth’s trust as well as Easter cards! The children have really impressed with using their sounds and are showing great progress.
In Maths, we have done a range of activities including using the Beebots, capacity- using different sized containers, and weighing by making bread. The children enjoyed observing the changes in the dough and we had a great chat about yeast and how it eats the sugar to make bubbles. The children were enthralled with the possibility that yeast ‘passes wind’ which causes the bread to rise.
Next week, we will be using trial and error to have a go at some challenges (some Easter-themed) and revise key skills, number and letter formation ready for the Summer term.
Challenge (for the kids): In preparation for next week, we would like to know how you have shown resilience or perseverance over the weekend- this could be having a go at something new, swimming underwater, changing your own bed, three-letter word scrabble, reading a new book, going for a long walk and NOT having a piggy back, helping a neighbour do a job, washing the car…. so many ideas! Grow that brain and do something you find tricky this weekend. Take a photo, make a video, write it down/ draw a picture- show us how brilliant you are!
Please note: We will be sending some packs home over Easter to revise key areas and some personalised learning for each child to help fill some phonics and maths gaps. If there is anything specific you would like, please speak to one of the Kites’ teachers.
End of term: 4th April at 1:15pm
Star of the week: Well done to all the children who have been star of the week this term, please remember your badge is a loan, but your certificate is to keep. Please return by the following Thursday ready for the next lucky STAR.
It’s getting warmer, next term children will need a sun hat (sunglasses for only those with a prescription or medical need), shorts/ cycling shorts and trainers for PE. Please give your child a water bottle to bring in so they are self-sufficient in maintaining their water intake throughout the day.
Have a lovely, restful weekend and see you next week,
The Kites Team.