Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 4 week 4

Dear Parents,

We have had a lovely week celebrating Spring!

The children have enjoyed making the most of the glorious Spring sunshine and have been outside planting, digging, making potions, building obstacle courses, spotting signs of spring, bug-hunting and painting pictures. We have been using Spring flowers such as daffodils, hyacinths and tulips to add a ‘je ne sais quoi’ to our rosemary scented playdough and also making perfume in Kites garden. On Tuesday we had such a wonderful day at The Earth’s Trust and were thankful for our parent volunteers. Photos of our trip (including our Spring walk, meeting the calves, den building and exploration) are on our gallery page. If you would like to visit the Earth’s trust over the holidays, they have lots of events on for 4-6 year olds. Click this link for more details. At the end of the week, we celebrated the Spring Equinox by practising our maypole dancing and by making Mrs Conway’s secret healthy flapjacks.

In Maths, we focused on position and direction. We have been learning compass points by playing ‘Captain’s Coming’; listening to and following instructions with blindfolds on (using left and right); Using Beebots (programmable robots) to move in specific directions to get to places/ points on the carpet, and revising our prepositions using cuddly toys in class. Perhaps you could help your child to practice these words by allowing them to lead a walk in the woods/ a walk to school one day using forwards, backwards, left and right.

Phonics: Let’s get revising our sounds please, ready for our next check-in

For all chn

For chn on Set 2- /air/  & sound revision

For chn on Green

Next week is STEM week and our focus is change and adapt. After a fabulous thought-sharing session, the children have come up with some interesting ides for our learning next week- we will be looking at changes in ourselves; lifecycles of birds- specifically pigeons; how animals are suited to their habitats; changes in day and night as well as interesting insects.

Challenge (for Show & Tell): Can you research an interesting insect, bird or animal with your child ( a great excuse for Saturday library trip) and write a sentence about why it is suited to live in its habitat? For example: An anteater has a long, sticky tongue (but no teeth!) to feed off ants and termites that live in the ground.


  • Red Nose Day: Friday 21st March. Please wear one red item. Design a red outfit for Rhubarb competition.
  • Clocks go forward: UK clocks will go forward by one hour at 1 am on Sunday, March 30th
  • Parents Evening: April 1st and 3rd 4-7pm
  • End of term: End of Term 4, school finishes at 1.15pm
  • Easter Egg Hunt: Easter Trail returns on Friday 25th April, starting on the KS1 playground after school. Tickets are £3.50 per child and must be purchased by 3rd April on MCAS.

We hope you have a restful weekend and thank you for your continued support.

The Kites Team.


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