Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 3 Week 6

Dear Parents,

Can you believe that we are half way through the year? This week we have continued with story-telling, acting out known fairy tales, reading books about love and friendship (for Valentine’s), and listing to alternative tales of Goldilocks and the 3 bears. The children especially enjoyed being involved in how the story evolved through the book, Once Upon a Fairytale.  Thank you to all the lovely visitors that we have had this week. The children have got so much out of it. If you are interested in coming in an telling a story, please let us know- we are happy to have you!

You may have noticed a rather lovely project, based on the artist Mondrian, that has accompanied the children home this week. This is something they have been working REALLY hard on all term, so please do take some time to sit down and look at it with your child. A special thanks goes to Joy, who is the driving force and has been fantastic at assisting the children to complete these.

In Maths, we have been making number sentences and number stories and children have sharing the ones that they have been doing at home- thank you to all those who helped them to achieve this. Over the holidays, please do keep revising teen numbers (counting everything to 20), spotting patterns and making number sentences or stories.

In Phonics, we have been looking at how the children have been getting on with their sounds, blending and reading decodable words as well as alien words (words that are nonsense).   During the holidays, you may want to give your child a helping hand with their reading.  Here are some reminders about how to help your child read: How to say sounds\       Listening to your child read           Bouncy sounds    Read stretchy sounds

We are particularly focusing on special friends next term- spotting the ‘special friends’ (digraphs), splitting up the sounds (Fred Talk) and reading the word.
Here are some nice videos to help: For children who are just starting to blend- CVC word time   Elly and Fred adventures
For children who are struggling with th/ ng/ nk- Special friends set 1 vid 1
For children who need to revise sh/ ch/ ss/ ck- Special friends set 1 vid 2
For children to revise set 2 sounds  oo   ee
Children have been showing off their writing skills by writing a small sentence about the Troll or Goat in The 3 Billy Goats story. This has shown that some children require some more writing practice. This will be our focus for a challenge over the holidays. If you go out for the day, or do something lovely. Can you encourage your child to draw a picture and write a sentence to show us what they have done? Try to sound out the word for your child and encourage them to use their sound mat to recall how the sounds are formed. A template will be placed in book bags.
Our Forest Camp lead asks could kit and wellies be checked over half term to ensure they still fit. Thank you. 
Start of new term: Monday 24th February
March dates will be concluded in the next post.
Have a lovely half term and enjoy making some memories.
The Kites Team

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