Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for all your lovely gifts and cards, we really did not expect anything but very much appreciate your kindness and generosity.
We hope you all have a lovely Christmas break and have time to relax and enjoy spending time with friends and family. If your child does want to practise some skills over the holiday, then we have sent home a Christmas pack with some letter and number formation sheets. Please do keep up with reading, practising sounds and blending games e.g. I spy a c-a-t, or can you put on your s-o-ck-s, or perhaps daddy has lost a sh-oe! They do also love a Simon says game e.g pat your h-ea-d; j-u-m-p 7 (show on fingers) times and see if they can count.
Thank you also to all those who attended the Christmas Around the World production. The children were at optimum exhaustion point, but still managed to do their very best and we are immensely proud of them as I am sure you are too. Hopefully they will be able to do their own rendition over the school holidays for guests! The performance will be uploaded to the website soon, please look out for your password which should be emailed to you directly.
Challenge: Can you share a photo or memory of your Christmas festivities with us? You can write it down, send it to the office or print it out to share. We will be reminiscing about our Christmas fun during our first week back.
We know the first couple of terms can be tricky for Reception children, but the Kites have been fantastic; especially with all of your support. So thank you, and we hope you have a very lovely Christmas!
Thank you again and see you on January 7th!
The Kites Team.