Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 2 Week 4

Dear Parents,

This week we have been starting to learn about Christmas around the world. We have started our project by exploring how people in England celebrate Christmas; like decorating the Christmas tree, the things we eat and what traditions we have in the run up to Christmas. The children have also been learning about Christingle, signifying the start of Advent.  They learned some songs for our Christingle assembly on Wednesday and all created their own Christingles. We have spent a lot of time discussing the symbolism of the Christingle; the orange representing the Earth, the 4 sticks with raisins and sweets represent the four seasons and the candle represents Jesus as “the light of the world”. The children really enjoyed doing good deeds at home to raise money for the Children’s Society, singing the songs and showing how sensible they can be in assembly. Hopefully, they may be able to remember a song that they have learnt to sing to you at home.

Our focus book in Literacy has been Christmas Elf and the Magic of Kindness, We have been learning words like helpful, generous, thoughtful, compassionate, selfless with actions to match. The children have been drawing people who are kind to them, creating kindness potions and talking  about & drawing ways to be kind.

In PE, we did Frozen Yoga this week and finished with a lovely rendition of ‘Let it Go’. Whilst some children went for a ‘frozen’ walk to spot signs of Winter.

In Phonics, we are trying to form words by splitting our sounds up on our fingers (‘use your Fred fingers’). The children have been using this method to write cvc (eg. h/o/t) words in their phonics sessions and to write a letter to Father Christmas. You could try to do this at home if you are writing Christmas lists.

Here are some great blending games to play at home:

Fred’s Adventures: The Weather

Learning to blend

In Maths, we have been making 5 (and 10) in different ways. We have also been doing more Ten Town songs to revisit our number formation.

Next week, we will be exploring more countries from around the world, getting out Atlases and pinpointing places on a map. We will also be doing some STEM activities connected to Christmas.

CHALLENGE: Could you practise writing your numbers at home this weekend? You can use this to help or just practise on your own piece of paper. Bring back your work for a team point! Here are the number formation rhymes to help!

Christmas singing challenge: To help us practise for our Christmas singing, please could you help your child the following song: Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer


  • Parent consultations  on Tuesday 3rd and 5th December- are virtual, please sign up when the link is provided by the office.
  • Non-uniform day- 29th November
  • Book Fair 27- 29th November in KS2 playground
  • Christmas Fair -30th November 12- 3 pm
  • PTA Wreath-making evening on Thursday 5th December from 7:30pm
  • Christmas Jumper Day- 13th December
  • Kites Singing – 18th December 2:15 pm for a 2:30pm start
  • Christmas Carols (performed by KS2)- 19th December at 6pm
  • End of Term- December 20th at 1:15pm

Learning Book changes: We are now becoming more familiar with our new system, Evidence Me. Our IT technician is currently putting your details onto the new system and information will be sent on how to access this, once it is complete.

We hope you have a restful weekend and thank you for all the support you give to us and your children.

The Kites Team


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