Dear Parents
This week we have continued looking at Autumn, we have read the story of The Leaf Thief and been drawing our own leaf thieves and learning interesting words such as: devastating, snug, canopy, hibernate, rustle, wonderful. We have been out collecting leaves, acorns, conkers and sticks to create artwork and our very hedgehogs using different mediums to create texture. The children have also enjoyed making their own leaf pictures, crowns, necklaces and (in advance of Halloween) dangly spiders! We have been thinking about the season, Autumn, and what happens during this time. We spoke about the colour of the leaves, what happens to the trees, the weather and what we wear in Autumn.
In cooking, the children have made delicious pumpkin muffins; they worked really hard to listen to instructions. This week, instead of PE we did obstacle courses on our bikes and trikes; collecting beanbags and putting them into buckets at the end. There was great manoeuvring and team work involved!
In phonics, the children have been learning the sounds /z/ and /v/ and showing the teachers all the phonics that we have learnt this term. Here is a video to help support your child to practice their oral blending skills at home . In maths, we have had a week of counting objects carefully, subitising (knowing the pattern of number) and matching amounts to numerals. We have been trying to include team and partner work in this too. If you would like to do more counting with your child please do use their log in details (at the front of their planners) to access Ten Town. The children are really enjoying learning about the characters associated with each numbers and there are lots of activities they can do at home for productive ‘screen time’.
After term we will be splitting into Maths and Phonics groups in order for children to get support they need or to be challenged further. Our focus skill will be mark making and we will be motivating our more reluctant learners with fireworks, dinosaurs and other exciting pencil-gripping activities!
Reminders: We have sent forest camp and PE clothes home over half term. Please could these come back in separate named bags in order to ensure the muddy items can be put apart from the clean ones. The weather is getting colder- so please assess Forest Camp clothes and ensure they have a sensible long sleeve as well as hats, scarves and gloves.
After half term, we would like to further encourage your children to come in independently. If you could help them to do this by waving goodbye to them at the gate or the window, that would be wonderful.
We have noticed children are finding using a knife and fork a little tricky during lunch. We do help the children for the time they are in the lunch hall, but quite a few are still are hoping help with eating and using their cutlery. Over half term (or even longer), please could you help your child to be more independent at meal times by showing them how to hold their knives and forks and how to cut up their food. Here is a useful video that may help. The children will have a chance to show off their new skills in Show and Tell and during lunch! Team points given to those having a good try!
We hope you have a lovely half term and thank you for your continued support.
The Kites Team.