Dear Kites Parents,
We have continued with Marvellous Me this week and focusing on feelings. We have looked at the book Ruby’s Worry and have learned tricky words like: Gargantuan, shrinking, pondered, investigate and dreadful.
In phonics, the children have now been introduced to m, a, s, t, d, i and n. Many are starting to recognise these sounds around them and enjoyed a sound hunt around Kites garden. In maths, we are continuing to introduce the characters from Ten Town and children should all now have the log in details to access the activities at home. The children have enjoyed activities such as : drawing/ painting things that make them happy, putting their worries in a worry jar, skeleton crafts, making portrait collages, mark-making, completing their portraits for the school hall, yoga, sandwich making, bikes and trikes as well as lots of sandpit fun.
Next week, we will continue with Marvellous Me and looking at photos of families and babies- looking at how we have changed and thinking about how super duper we are. We will be focusing on Respect and Responsibility in and outside of the classroom. Some of the books we will be reading will include: The Lion Inside, Supertato, A little Respectful spot, Interrupting Chicken, and other super duper books about being responsible. In Phonics, we will continue with Set 1 sounds and start doing some blending activities with the children to help them to use their sounds to start forming words. In Maths, we will continue with our numbers and recognition of these as well as activities associated with number value around the classroom.
As a school, we are very lucky to have seasonal fruit & vegetables donated to us for our snack time. Inevitably, this means that some children may not like the snack offered to them. If you know your child may not like specific fruit or vegetables, you may want to pop an apple or pack of raisins in their bag for those days (just in case!).
Key vocabulary: superhero, power, roles, responsibility, respect, doing your best, kindness, politeness, teamwork, helpful, tidying
Harvest Festival 1st October– DONATIONS WELCOME in the form of tinned and dried food stuffs for our celebration. All donations will be given to Sonning Common Food Bank – please check their website or the Food bank app for items most needed.
Open Days 1st and 24th October- please spread the word. We will be sending flyers home with the children and would greatly appreciate your help in letting your friends and family know about out wonderful school.
17th October & 7th November (a.m) – walks around the village. If you are available to help with these, please contact the office.
24th October– School Disco. £3 including a snack and a drink. This is always a fun event, but can be quite overwhelming for our little ones. If your child dislikes loud noises, crowds or can be quite anxious- please could you chaperone your child to the event or only bring them for a short time. We would like to make the event as positive as possible for all involved.
Who is your superhero? What makes you super? Can you draw a picture or make a model of your super hero? Can you draw a picture or make a model of yourself and be able to explain what makes you SUPER?
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
The Kites Team