Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 6 Week 7

Dear Parents,

We have had a lovely week thinking about our favourite memories of Kites. We have been looking at photos and videos from this year, enjoying reminiscing about the great times we have had. We then wrote about our favourite memories and all the children did a great job at writing independently! Some of our favourite memories are, sports day, Miss Inchley dressing up as a bee, Bucklebury Farm, The Nativity, playing in the sand pit and releasing the butterflies, to name a few! We have also read the book ‘This is Me’ about finding your glow, we spoke about what makes us sparkle and what we are really good at and wrote it down. We have been exploring our 5 senses and thinking about our senses as we read and act out the book ‘We’re Going On a Bear Hunt’, getting ready for our sensory walk on Monday! On Friday, we did an end of year quiz, which we all found very funny and as a prize for working really hard in the Friday quizzes, the children all earnt a little teddy bear, which they have been busy making homes for, Friday afternoon.

We enjoyed watching the Year 6 play and have bene practising for our singing assembly next week!

Next week, we will be continuing thinking about memories and senses. We will also be having a special end of year picnic party on Monday, for all the children!


Meet the teacher  (for the children): Tuesday 23rd July at 9:30am

Singing assembly: 2:30 pm (promptly) on Tuesday 23rd July (gates open at 2:15pm)

End of term: Wednesday 24th July 1:15pm

  • All wellies, forest camp and sports kit will be sent home next week.
  • Please have a good scout around for RWI reading and phonics books (these are rather space) and any other books belonging to school.
  • Please return any green and red word cards.
  • Star of the week badges are disappearing… please do bring them back so we can use for our next cohort.

Challenge: Can your child write a letter to their Year 1 teacher, telling them all about themselves, such as telling them their favourite food, game and what they’re excited about in Year 1.

Have a great weekend,

From The Kites Team!


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