Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 6 week 6

Dear Parents,

We have continued with our environment topic this week. We have been learning about our ocean from Sir David Attenborough and what we need to do to keep the living things within it safe from harm. This has inspired poster making and pictures being drawn of how we can look after our surroundings. We looked closely at the book ‘Here we Are’ by Oliver Jeffers and what inspired him to write the book. This then led  to us looking at the earth and zooming in on the 7 continents. The children have also been spotting rubbish and negative impacts on the environment and being more mindful about rubbish and which bins to put things in.

In Maths we have been going shape MAD! We have been making 2 d shapes from Geo-boards, building structures from 3D shapes, spotting shapes around the school, using lollipop sticks to form shapes and playing the feely bag game to revise properties. Let your child impress you with their super-sonic shape spotting abilities!

Next week, we are using our senses and exploring Summer (if it stops raining). The children will doing transition activities and also thinking back on what they have achieved over the year. They will be doing a sensory trail and writing Summer poems, painting in the garden and making nature pictures. In maths, we will be doing some problem solving- data handling and analysis of scores from Wimbledon.

Challenge: Practise song- I’m still standing 

Lyrics: You could never know what it’s like
Your blood like winter freezes just like ice
And there’s a cold and lonely light that shines from you
You’ll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use

And did you think this fool could never win
Well look at me, I’m coming back again
I got a taste of love in a simple way
And if you need to know while I’m still standing you just fade away

Don’t you know I’m still standing better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
I’m still standing after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind

I’m still standing yeah yeah yeah
I’m still standing yeah yeah yeah


Meet the teacher  (for the children): Tuesday 23rd July at 9:30am

Singing assembly: 2:30 pm (promptly) on Tuesday 23rd July (gates open at 2:15pm)

End of term: Wednesday 24th July 1:15pm

  • All wellies, forest camp and sports kit will be sent home next week.
  • Please have a good scout around for RWI reading and phonics books (these are rather sparce) and any other books belonging to school.
  • Please return any green and red word cards.
  • Star of the week badges are disappearing… please do bring them back so we can use for our next cohort.

Have a great weekend,

From The Kites Team!


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