Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Nettle Risotto

Year one foraged for herbs and nettles and cooked and ate nettle risotto with such enthusiasm this week, that Mrs Jones promised them she would add the recipe to the website. They even asked if we could do the same next session. Nettle risotto Forage for nettles (wear gloves!), note that the white flowering nettles […]

SCPS gain Recognised Forest School Provider status

Here are the satisfied, jammy faces of children after they foraged for blackberries and made jam in Forest School last week. Caroline Jones, our Forest School leader, gained certification from the Forest School Association recently. We are delighted to have achieved Recognised Forest School Provider status. The children love their sessions and we get such […]

Forest School in the Winter

We thought you’d like to see the children in Y1, Y2 and KS2 enjoying forest School in the Winter months, these photos are from February and March 2018. Term 3: Term 4:

January forest school

SCPS children aren’t afraid of the rain, mud and cold and our intrepid forest school leaders continue to take children down to Forest Camp every day whatever the weather. Here are a few photos to show you what they have been doing.

SCPS win Henley Schools Environmental Science competition

We are delighted that our Forest School, ECO council and Digital Leaders won the HSES for 2015-2017 on 7th June. Well done to everyone involved in the project. Here is the submission for anyone interested in the project: SCPS Submission for Environmental Science Competition

Enjoying summer in Forest Camp

This week children have been making elderflower cordial and designing their own pendants. See our Forest school photos page for more photos.

Forest School May 2017

Here are a few photos of Kites, Y2 and Y5 enjoying working in our Forest Camp last week. for more photos please see the forest School photo page.

Henley Environmental Science Competition

We thought you might like to see part of our submission to the Henley Environmental Science competition. Lots of the children were involved, from Kites through to Year 6 (including last year’s Y6) doing lots of different work in Forest School. Digital leaders took photos every school day from March 2016 through to February 2017 […]

Forest School update April 2017

Here are some photos of children enjoying Spring in Forest School.

SCPS Forest School says Goodbye to Mr Proffitt-White

Mr Proffitt- White left at Easter and we shall really miss him down in Forest School. Mrs C Jones, Mr Hirst and Miss Brakspear will be running the sessions for the summer term.