Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Nettle Risotto

Year one foraged for herbs and nettles and cooked and ate nettle risotto with such enthusiasm this week, that Mrs Jones promised them she would add the recipe to the website. They even asked if we could do the same next session.

Nettle risotto

Forage for nettles (wear gloves!), note that the white flowering nettles are a different species – deadnettle, so be sure you collect the  stinging variety

Collect a small bowl full of the top four leaves from nettle plants growing in the shade, before flowering.

Chop finely with scissors.

Fry a chopped onion and garlic clove in butter or olive oil until soft.

Stir in risotto rice (50g per person)

Add stock (although we just used hot water) and salt and pepper and stir while cooking until the rice is soft; add more stock / hot water if needed.

Once the rice is cooked, stir in the nettles and allow to soften for a couple of minutes, then add finely grated parmesan to taste.

Nettles contain more vitamin C than spinach. The tiny hairs along the leaves release formic acid into your skin when you get stung, but on cooking the hairs soften and the nettles no longer sting you.


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