Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


digital fun!

dear all [who love tech!] computers and phones and all that they are just amazing use the internet but safely we have done loads of exiting things such as: taking photos of wild forest camp making online powerpoint/docs/posters and lots of bloging and we will do much more! digital leader T.N p.s need help just […]

What do we do in digital leaders?

I think digital leaders is the most fun job in school! Its all about helping other people with computing and if something goes wrong we can solve it! We have been doing an exiting project,we go down to forest camp/forest school and,in turn, go and take pictures of each area and put it in to […]

digital leaders are amazing.

we learn how to solve problems and learn how to blog and we have learn to make posters. W e have a lot to learn but this is only the beginning.

What Digital leaders do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that digital leaders are really good because if your having a tencal ish a digital can come and sovle it but right now we are lerning how to fix every computer

digital leaders is awesome !!!! :-]

digital leaders what we do: We help other students log on and over come problems they may have. If a teacher needs some help in class we can help and supports their computing issues too.  Many students find it hard to find things they are looking for so we try to find it .   This […]

about digital leaders

We get to learn stuff about computers. Now let me will tell you what we have done. We have learnt about the WiFi. We have learnt about blogging. by Kacie    

Being a digital leader is fun

We learn how to solve problems and we made posters of stay safe online. we help teacher if any thing goes wrong and learn how to blog and everybody is HAPPY!

Internet safety

Last week and this week Digital Leaders have been watching some internet safety videos and designing Internet Safety posters. The best ones will be displayed in school and we will enter a competition with them in the New Year.

Being a Digital Leader

It’s fun and exciting.  You learn a lot of stuff about computers.  We learnt how to blog, we learnt about web site addresses and the internet.

New Digital Leaders

The new digital leaders for this academic year have been chosen and had their first meeting. Today we had a privileged behind the scenes look at the servers and network equipment and learnt how to solve some basic login problems in class.  We also talked about all the exciting things we are going to do […]