Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


safer internet evening

 on  one school evening we gathered a group of past students that have opened  up to social media and we set up a digital chat room so people could type in their questions and problems and there was also a twitter tweeting area.

learning more

2 weeks ago we made we made a video for a commotion you should go on to the scps web site and what it there will also be games for your children to play and they all work.         play these games.

EPIC VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!

We took lots and lots pictures to make an awesome video about how the schools forest camp changed  thought out the seasons.          


We took turns to go down to forest camp and take pictures of it. We later emerged the pictures into an AWESOME video of how forest camp changes!!!! We couldn’t of done this without Mrs.Rae!  

I love helping people with computers!

I love digital leaders because I like helping people with all the tricky computer problems and what they find difficult. Mrs Rae and Dr Loader [the heads of digital leaders] train us to be amazing at computers. They let us try out new computer games for internet safety day. THANK YOU MRS RAE AND DR […]

our new video…

  A few weeks from now we’ve made a new video which we have entered into a competition, we made it by taking a lot of pictures and putting them all together the video is of the ks1 and ks2 forest camp. I don’t know about you but I think it’s great. My  head teacher thinks […]

helping people out!!

I love being part of the digital leaders because I love to help my friends and my class mates and teachers  this has all helped me on my computer skills to become much better and this is all down to Mrs Rae our tech genius teacher thank u Mrs Rae


I’ve alraedy gone down to forest camp and now. I know what to do and what not to do. I love being a digital leader.LOVE  IT!!!      

Digital Leaders 2016

Need help on your computer? Then ask the Digital Leaders.(Digital Leaders are people fix computers!)Every Wednesday we go to the Digital Leader meeting. Digital Leader GS