Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired



Microbits are really amazing we would like some more.  They are easy to programme and we made one with a compass and leds lights to find a transmitter.


Before half term we worked on microbits  Digital leaders would like some more. We were thinking of a day for microbits where we can show what they do so we can try to get money to buy some more.


Before half term we used microbits to make a treasure hunt.  We programmed one as a transmitter and one as a receiver.

treasure hunt!

Before half term digital leaders did a treasure hunt using BBC micro bits.  Please do my micro bit treasure hunt because it’s fun.   Here is a pic of a micro bit  

Digital Leaders test BBC micro:bits

We were lucky enough to receive a class set of BBC micro:bits this week, thanks to Nominet for donating them to us.  The Digital Leaders were excited to be the first pupils to have a go and write their own programmes and see the lights flashing and music playing.


Last term for year 5 computing we were pretending to be app developers. We made art galleries in SketchUp. Because of that we learnt how to import images from google. Right now we’re making cool tessellations with different shapes in power point. Like this one:    

Digital Leaders is lots of Fun

Being a digital leader is lots of fun. Today we planned our new blog!!!

Digital Leaders explain Safer Internet Day

Safer internet day! Safer internet day took place on the Tuesday 7th February. what is it all about? It is all about staying safe online! Here are a few tips to stay safe: Never give any personal information! Don’t leave your computer logged on! Don’t download stuff without permission Tell a grownup if something bad […]

Evolution of our pond

Evolution of our pond We have started a time lapse on the school pond, here’s how we did it! We went to the school pond with a iPad. We then went into the pond hut and took 4 pictures from the second on the left window. We repeated this process most days as in 4 days out […]

Making music

Today the Digital Leaders were learning all about mixing sound and how digital music is made